Yoga Excersies For Daily Routine

 Yoga Excersies For Daily Routine.

(Apply This Exercises After A Professional Training)

Sun Salutations(Surya Namaskar)

Sun Salutations also known as Surya Namaskar is a sequence of yoga poses that are performed in a specific order. The sequence includes forward folds lunges downward dog and plank pose. Sun Salutations can help improve flexibility strength and balance and it can also be used as a warm-up for other yoga poses.

Bridge Pose(Setu Bandhasana)

Bridge Pose, or Setu Bandhasana, is a pose that strengthens the back, glutes, and thighs. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips up towards the ceiling and interlace your hands under your body. Hold the pose for several breaths, then release. Bridge Pose can help improve posture and relieve tension in the back.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

The Mountain Pose is a simple standing pose that helps improve posture, increase focus, and reduce stress. To do this pose, stand with your feet together, toes touching, and arms at your sides. Press your feet firmly into the ground, engage your leg muscles, and lift your chest. Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly.

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

The Tree Pose is a standing balance pose that helps improve balance focus and concentration. To do this pose stand with your feet together and bring your right foot up to rest on your left thigh. 

Press your foot into your thigh and bring your hands to your heart. 

Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. Repeat on the other side.

Downward Facing Dog

(Adho Mukha Svanasana)

The Downward Facing Dog is a classic yoga pose that helps improve flexibility and strengthen the arms and legs and reduce stress.

To do this pose start on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. 

Lift your hips up and back straightening your arms and legs. Keep your head between your arms and your heels pressing towards the ground. 

Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly.

Child's Pose (Balasana)

The Child's Pose is a resting pose that helps reduce stress stretch the hips thighs and ankles and improve digestion. To do this pose start on your hands and knees and bring your hips back towards your heels.

Stretch your arms out in front of you and rest your forehead on the ground. Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly.

Warrior II(Virabhadrasana II)

Warrior II or Virabhadrasana II is a standing pose that strengthens the legs and opens the hips. 

Start in a lunge position then turn your back foot out to a 90-degree angle. 

Straighten your arms out to the sides and gaze over your front hand. 

Hold the pose for several breaths. Warrior II can help improve balance and focus.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

The Cobra Pose is a backbend that helps improve spine flexibility strengthen the arms and reduce stress. 

To do this pose lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders. 
Press your hands into the ground and lift your chest up keeping your elbows close to your body. 
Look up and take a deep breath in and exhale slowly.

Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

The Seated Forward Fold is a seated pose that helps improve hamstring and back flexibility reduce stress and calm the mind. To do this pose sit with your legs stretched out in front of you. 
Inhale and reach your arms up then exhale and fold forward reaching for your feet or ankles. 
Keep your spine straight and your neck relaxed. 
Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly.

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

The Triangle Pose is a standing pose that helps improve flexibility in the hips hamstrings and spine and reduce stress. 
To do this pose starts with your feet wider than hip width apart.
Turn your right foot turned out and your left foot turned slightly inward............. 


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